Policies and Guidelines
CHARIS Co-op Policies and Guidelines
School Year 2023-24
CHARIS is committed to the goal of providing quality homeschool support for every family. To this end, we want to establish partnerships between all the parents. Everyone gains if CHARIS, co-op, and families work together to promote high achievement by our children. Neither home nor co-op can do the job alone. Support for their children and for the co-op is critical to children’s success at every step along the way.
When you register, you should register TWO adults who would be bringing your child/ren to co-op: a primary and a secondary adult. This will ensure that at least one adult is able to bring your child/ren when the primary adult is unable. The secondary adult will be responsible to take over the volunteer role of the primary adult. (The secondary adult should not be another member of co-op unless that person is able to fulfill both their volunteer commitment as well as your volunteer commitment.)
The secondary adult is only allowed to be a backup individual. They cannot consistently (3+ times) take over your volunteer role. We require consistency with our volunteer roles. This provides less confusion for the children during and outside of class time.
Special Circumstances will need to be approved through leadership and 24-hour notice is appreciated.
CHARIS leadership must be aware of any changes. Please feel free to contact any of the leadership listed on the website.
We are not a drop-off co-op. A parent/guardian is required to stay on campus for the duration of co-op each week. This same individual is the one fulfilling the volunteer role of the primary individual.
Should there be any special circumstances or emergencies, leadership must be notified and the parent/guardian will be required to sign a release of liability form prior to the child being allowed into co-op.
Nursery services are for volunteering parents during their service hour only.
If you would like to have your child/ren in the nursery during your non-service hour, you must accompany them in the nursery. If you do not want to stay in the nursery with your child, you will need to remove him/her from the nursery to remain with you.
If your child is 6 months old or younger (as of Sept 1st of the co-op year) there is no charge. If your child is over the age of 6 months (as of September 1st), the church requires insurance coverage and there will be a fee added to your registration.
All children attending co-op must be registered, regardless of age.
Please CC the leadership on any e-mails which outline what subject is being taught as well as any pertinent updates about your class. We would appreciate an e-mail every so often to ensure that we are in the loop about classroom happenings.
Please refer to insurance/church policies outlined on Village Bible Church’s website. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak with someone on the leadership team.
Visiting children must stay with the adult who brought them. Visitors may not participate in classes.
A Visiting Day will be held in Spring. The exact date will be announced during the spring session.
Children who attend CHARIS events must be registered members of CHARIS. It does not matter what adult brings the child/ren.
CHARIS events are available only to CHARIS members. One of the benefits of CHARIS membership is access to planned field trips, events, and gatherings. Inviting friends who are not CHARIS members is not fair to our members who have paid for these exclusive events. Please do not share information about our events.
If a field trip is made an “event” on the CHARIS Facebook page, it must be CHARIS exclusive. Other homeschool/local happenings can be posted to inform members of different opportunities; however, it cannot be made an event and the posting must specify that it is a non-CHARIS offering. (Example: CHARIS planned a field trip to a pumpkin patch; an event can be made on the FB page. This event is available exclusively for CHARIS members. Example: Your church is hosting a VBS; you may notify the group via a post, but please do not make an event. This event is not a CHARIS exclusive event and is available to anyone.)
Registration opens July 1st and closes August 5th for the FALL/SPRING session. This registration is for BOTH sessions.
Registration for the SPRING session only will reopen September 1st thru October 31st for anyone who may have missed registration or for new families looking for a co-op. You are not required to re-register if you signed up for the fall session.
We will take 3 full weeks off between Christmas and New Year’s.
Membership will run from July – June
Member registration/renewal opens June 15th for the upcoming year.
CHARIS registration is available year round. Registering for CHARIS after December will be prorated.
$50 membership fee per family for the year.
Payment is due within 30 days of signing up or renewing membership.
CHARIS Registration and payment are required before you may sign up for co-op
New members: Someone will reach out to determine if you would like to join co-op. CHARIS and co-op are SEPARATE entities, each requiring their own registration.
Everyone signing up for co-op is required to serve as a volunteer each week. Our co-op is dependent upon parent volunteers and is not designed for children to be dropped off.
When you register for co-op you will choose your top three volunteer positions. You will receive an email the first week of August letting you know where you will be volunteering.
An informational meeting for co-op will be held in the Spring. Dates TBD
A Copy of these policies will be made available upon request.